Seasoning for meat and fish, product made of a concoction of herbs carefully mixed to season meat and fish, to enhance and make the flavours of the good cuisine unique.
In 1992 I put to abode the first wild oregano seeding. It is harvested among the hills “Hyblean Mountains” in which my property is located. This portion of Hyblean Mountains territory is particularly suitable for this kind of production: the soil is calcareous and mild resulting in very favorable pedoclimatic conditions. The property is located at about 700 meters above sea level in the very heart of the Hyblean Mountains which is covered in local plants including oregano, thyme, fennel, and several other herbs that permeate the territory with thousand scents.
To date, the soil cultivated with herbs stretches for approximately 7 acres, chemical fertilizers are not used and some strictly hand weeding work is made during the production process: weeds are cut along the rows and hoeing is carried out in between them. The herbs are harvested when they reach full ripeness, dried and processed and then packaged. The aromatic herbs I cultivate are: fragrant, because they are harvested at the best moment of maturation; aromatic for the natural vocation to enhance the dishes and delicacies of the kitchen. Sample analyzes of the various herbs are carried out by certified laboratories. Our productions are: oregano, rosemary, Sicilian wild fennel, bay leaf, thyme, sage.
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